Eda Eren

February 22, 2022
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • C

Custom endsWith and startsWith Functions

When working with strings, there might come a time that you might want to check if the string starts with or ends with another given string. Luckily, JavaScript and Python have their own built-in function to do the job, aptly named startsWith() & endsWith() in JavaScript, and startswith() & endswith() in Python. However, not to reinvent the wheel, but let's say we want to implement them our own way. Because, why not?

Negative Indexing

One thing that might be helpful, before we start off, is the concept of negative indexing. For example, not in all languages, but the last character of a string can be accessed with the index number -1. The second to last character will be -2, and so on. Python allows the use of negative indexes for strings (and for most iterables), and JavaScript's slice method also allows negative indexing. These will come in handy.

Python example:

name = 'David'
name[-1] # d
name[-2] # i
name = 'David'
name[-1] # d
name[-2] # i

We cannot access the character directly with negative indexes in JavaScript as it will return undefined, but we can use slice:

let name = 'David';
name[-1] // undefined
name.slice(-1) // d
name.slice(-2) // id
let name = 'David';
name[-1] // undefined
name.slice(-1) // d
name.slice(-2) // id

Implementing endsWith

Now, let's check if a string ends with another given string. Now that we know that negative indexes start from the end of the string, we can try something like this:

Python example:

name = 'David'
target = 'vid'

name[-len(target):] == target # True
name = 'David'
target = 'vid'

name[-len(target):] == target # True

JavaScript example:

let name = 'David';
let target = 'vid';

name.slice(-target.length) === target // true
let name = 'David';
let target = 'vid';

name.slice(-target.length) === target // true

We can take a look at what we did one by one, so that it's more clear. The first thing we see is that we get target's length, which will be in our example's case, 3 (the length of 'vid'). And, with negative indexing, we started from -3rd index of our original string and just compared the two. name.slice(-target.length) will start from the -3rd index of name up to the end of the string, which will be 'vid' and voilà! — they're the same.

It is a nice, one-liner way to do it. Now let's try our hand at startsWith, which will be easier than this one.

Implementing startsWith

We'll use the same components, slicing and using the target string's length. Let's do it.

Python example:

name = 'David'
target = 'Dav'
name[:len(target)] == target # True
name = 'David'
target = 'Dav'
name[:len(target)] == target # True

JavaScript example:

let name = 'David';
let target = 'Dav';
name.slice(0, target.length) === target // true
let name = 'David';
let target = 'Dav';
name.slice(0, target.length) === target // true

Slicing the original string from the start to the length of the target string, gives us the string with the same length of target. So, name.slice(0, target.length) in this case, starts from the start of the string and goes up to the 3rd index (length of 'Dav'). We only check if the two strings are the same, and that's it.

Dissecting the Implementations

We have written great one-liners, and just implemented our own way to do startsWith and endsWith. Here are the functions (let's write the function names in snake case so as not to confuse ourselves with the built-in ones):

In Python:

def starts_with(string, target):
return string[:len(target)] == target
def starts_with(string, target):
return string[:len(target)] == target
def ends_with(string, target):
return string[-len(target)] == target
def ends_with(string, target):
return string[-len(target)] == target

In JavaScript:

function starts_with(string, target) {
return string.slice(0, target.length) === target;
function starts_with(string, target) {
return string.slice(0, target.length) === target;
function ends_with(string, target) {
return string.slice(-target.length) === target;
function ends_with(string, target) {
return string.slice(-target.length) === target;

These are fine, but what about implementing the same logic another way? Maybe, with another language? One that will help us think in lower-level.

My initial thought was that it would be something like this in C (spoiler: it was naive.):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

bool starts_with(char *string, char *target) {
int target_length = strlen(target);
for (int i = 0; i < target_length; i++) {
if (string[i] != target[i]) {
return false;
return true;

bool ends_with(char *string, char *target) {
int target_length = strlen(target);
int starting_index = strlen(string) - target_length;
for (int i = 0; i < target_length; i++) {
if (string[starting_index + i] != target[i]) {
return false;
return true;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>

bool starts_with(char *string, char *target) {
int target_length = strlen(target);
for (int i = 0; i < target_length; i++) {
if (string[i] != target[i]) {
return false;
return true;

bool ends_with(char *string, char *target) {
int target_length = strlen(target);
int starting_index = strlen(string) - target_length;
for (int i = 0; i < target_length; i++) {
if (string[starting_index + i] != target[i]) {
return false;
return true;

However, I was corrected that this is indeed problematic.

Here is the simpler and correct versions of starts_with and ends_with:

bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
for ( ; *target != '\0' && *target == *string; ++target, ++string );
return *target == '\0';
bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
for ( ; *target != '\0' && *target == *string; ++target, ++string );
return *target == '\0';
bool ends_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
char const *const t0 = target;
for ( ; *target != '\0'; ++string, ++target ) {
if ( *string == '\0' ) return false;
for ( ; *string != '\0'; ++string );
size_t const t_len = (size_t)(target - t0);
return strcmp( string - t_len, t0 ) == 0;
bool ends_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
char const *const t0 = target;
for ( ; *target != '\0'; ++string, ++target ) {
if ( *string == '\0' ) return false;
for ( ; *string != '\0'; ++string );
size_t const t_len = (size_t)(target - t0);
return strcmp( string - t_len, t0 ) == 0;

What we do in starts_with is the same idea, only that we compare each character of our original string and the target string until target ends; also handling the case if target is longer than string — in which case it would return false.

In ends_with, we first check to see if target is longer than string (in that case, we would immediately return false). Then, using the target's length (t_len), we compare the string's end of t_len characters with our target string (t0).

Here's the whole code:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// Function prototypes
bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target);
bool ends_with( char const *string, char const *target );

int main(void) {
char const *str = "David";
char const *target_end = "vid";
char const *target_start = "D";

// prints "true"
printf("%s\n", starts_with(str, target_start) ? "true" : "false");

// prints "true"
printf("%s\n", ends_with(str, target_end) ? "true" : "false");

bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
for ( ; *target != '\0' && *target == *string; ++target, ++string );
return *target == '\0';

bool ends_with( char const *string, char const *target ) {
char const *const t0 = target;
for ( ; *target != '\0'; ++string, ++target ) {
if ( *string == '\0' ) return false;
for ( ; *string != '\0'; ++string );
size_t const t_len = (size_t)(target - t0);
return strcmp( string - t_len, t0 ) == 0;
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

// Function prototypes
bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target);
bool ends_with( char const *string, char const *target );

int main(void) {
char const *str = "David";
char const *target_end = "vid";
char const *target_start = "D";

// prints "true"
printf("%s\n", starts_with(str, target_start) ? "true" : "false");

// prints "true"
printf("%s\n", ends_with(str, target_end) ? "true" : "false");

bool starts_with(char const *string, char const *target) {
for ( ; *target != '\0' && *target == *string; ++target, ++string );
return *target == '\0';

bool ends_with( char const *string, char const *target ) {
char const *const t0 = target;
for ( ; *target != '\0'; ++string, ++target ) {
if ( *string == '\0' ) return false;
for ( ; *string != '\0'; ++string );
size_t const t_len = (size_t)(target - t0);
return strcmp( string - t_len, t0 ) == 0;

And now, time for some introspection.

Did we reinvent the wheel? Maybe.

Was it a problem that already been solved? That's what it was.

But, have we had some fun along the way? Well, depends on you, but I certainly did.